Marta Wrobel has been working for the not-for-profit sector since 2001. In 2006, she joined the Association of the Jewish Historical Institute in Poland to help create the Museum of the History of Polish Jews – one of the most significant public-private projects in the cultural sector in Poland. She developed the first “naming opportunities” offer in Poland, and the gift acceptance and donor recognition policy. She coordinated fundraising to produce the 4,000 sqm core exhibition and for POLIN Museum’s program activities, including temporary exhibitions, research, and educational and cultural projects.
She specializes in major donor relations & corporate partnerships. For contributing to creating the POLIN Museum, Marta received the “Meritorious for Polish Culture” badge of honor. Over the years, Marta developed a unique fundraising strategy based on a personalized approach to donors, which combines American standards with the European cultural and social context.
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