
1. Philanthropy Consulting

Strategic Philanthropy… Meaning what? First and foremost, planned – as opposed to ad hoc, spontaneous, and emotional giving. Secondly, focused on long-term activities rather than one-off actions. Moreover, goal-oriented, supporting activities aimed at positive change and impact in a given area. Fourthly, a philanthropy that carefully selects beneficiaries, caring for funds to go where they will be used most effectively. Whether we discuss humanitarian aid, supporting cultural or educational projects, social justice, or ecological initiatives. Every gesture, every project, and every action change our world for the better. If this is your passion, then I am at your disposal to help you give effectively.


  • analysis of philanthropic interests,
  • selection & review of organizations and projects operating in areas coinciding with the interests and goals of the donor,
  • developing an individual philanthropic strategy focused on the effectiveness and sustainability of the achieved goals; the strategy defines areas of philanthropic involvement, assumed goals and success measures, a list of organizations and projects recommended by the adviser, recommended levels of donations and the optimal schedule, coordinating the process of signing the donation agreement, ongoing cooperation with organizations approved by the client, monitoring the implementation of the objectives and terms of the donation agreed by the donor and beneficiary,
  • ongoing reporting to the donor about the stages of implementing philanthropic strategy.

2. Advising non-for profit organizations on creating fundraising strategies, combined with practical & theoretical training

Achieving financial stability by non-for-profits is quite a challenge. Many organizations cannot implement worthwhile projects due to a lack of funds. In fact, due to a lack of fundraising skills. Fundraising is still a relatively new specialization in Poland. However, it has an increasing impact on the way projects & entire institutions are being managed. Nowadays, it is impossible to operate in culture, education, or other public benefit areas and not to face the challenge of raising funds. I cooperate both with large institutions, medium and small foundations.


  • audit of the organization’s fundraising needs and potential: getting to know the institution’s program activities and operational structure, determining its communication potential and image, selecting a team for creating a fundraising strategy,
  • theoretical training: conducting fundraising campaigns and building relationships with donors,
  • creating a fundraising strategy adapted to the needs and capabilities of the organization,
  • ongoing consultations at the stage of strategy implementation.

3. Expert consultations for professional fundraisers and senior management of cultural and educational institutions and non for profit organizations

Advanced consultations for heads of fundraising departments and for the senior management implementing fundraising in the organization. Cooperation in the mode of “expert consultation” or “training on the job.”


  • major donor relations,
  • donors’ councils & boards management,
  • developing donors recognition policy,
  • naming opportunities,
  • donors walls,
  • building development departments,
  • advanced fundraising materials,
  • planning fundraising campaigns
  • Corporate partnerships.

Copyright 2021

Marta Wróbel – usługi doradcze z zakresu filantropii i fundraisingu